All trajectories of a dynamical systems converges to $0$

calculusdynamical systemsordinary differential equations

I've been struggling with solving the following system:

$\dot x = -x+xy$

$\dot y = x-y -x^2-y^3$

I already know that the only fixed point is $(0,0)$ and I also know that the system is exponentially stable(calculating the Jacobian). But what I really want to know is: do all trajectories of this system converges to $0$?

What can I do to prove that? Is it enough to create a Lyapunov function? What exactly means that it is asymptotically stable in a Lyapunov sense?

Thanks so much. đŸ™‚

Best Answer

Consider the Lyapunov function $V(x,y) = \frac{1}{2}(x^2+y^2)$. For a Lyapunov function $V$, $\dot{V}<0$ for $(x,y)\neq0$ implies that the dynamical system is asymptotically stable. In this case, we have $$ \dot{V} = x\dot{x}+y\dot{y} = -x^2+xy-y^2-y^4. $$ You can use basic calculus to show that $\dot{V}(x,y)$ has a global maximum at $(x,y)=0$, (take the gradient and set equal to 0). We also have $\dot{V}(0,0) = 0$, so $\dot{V}<0$ for $(x,y)\neq0$ and the system is asymptotically stable

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