All numbers that are less than four units from zero


Looking at a simple algebra question which is to graph "All numbers that are less than four units from zero."

The knee jerk response is to draw a number line with an open circle at -4 and a line to the left pointing at negative infinity. A second interpretation could be to highlight all numbers that are less than those numbers that are four units from zero. In which case that would be the entire number line.

All numbers that are more than four units from zero would clearly be x < -4 and x > 4.

Is there a mathematical standard on how the "all units less than" language should be interpreted?

Best Answer

You've parsed the input as:

All numbers that are less than (four units from zero)

but it is probably intended as:

All numbers that are (less than four units) from zero

or in other words, all numbers whose distance from zero is less than four units.

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