Algorithmically deducing a composition series for the alternating group $A_4$


Is there any (humanly approachable) algorithmic approach to writing down a composition series for a group like $A_4$ apart from explicitly write down all possible subgroups and pick a maximal normal subgroup at each step?

The solution to problem 1 in this PDF gives a solution, but I don't find it too helpful:

  1. It magically concludes that $K = \{e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)\}$ is a possible maximal normal subgroup of $A_4$.

  2. Similarly, it concludes that any cyclic subgroup of order $2$ must be a maximal normal subgroup of $K$. (*)

Could someone please give me an explanation of each of these two steps?

Edit: (*) has been resolved in the comments now. I'm still looking for an explanation of (1) though.

Best Answer

(a) $A_4$ is a group of order 12. Now, the subgroups of $A_4$ must have an order that divides 12. So, nontrivial subgroups have potential orders: 6,4,3, and 2. Since $K$ is the Unique 2-Sylow subgroup, it must be normal. The quotient group has order 12/4 = 3 and therefore is cyclic(even stronger than abelian).

(b) Now, inside of $K$ we know a cyclic subgroup of order 2 must exist. This can be seen from Cauchy's Theorem which states for any prime, p, that divides the order of a group, there exists an element of order p. We know that the subgroup generated by the element of order 2 must be normal inside $K$ as its index is 2.

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