Algebra of upper triangular matrices


Let $k$ be a field and $R$ the algebra of $3\times3$ upper triangular matrices $(a_{ij})$ st $a_{11}=a_{22}=a_{33}$.

  1. Find the Jacobson radical $J(R)$ of $R$

Attempt: Using the characterization $y\in J(R)\iff 1-xy\in U(R),\ \forall x\in R$ I found that $$J(R)=\left\{\begin{pmatrix} 0 \ a \ b\\ 0\ 0 \ c \\ 0\ 0 \ 0\end{pmatrix}:a,b,c\in k\right\}$$

  1. Show that every two simple $R-$modules are isomorphic.

Attempt: The left simple $R-$modules coincide with left simple $R/J(R)-$modules and $R/J(R)=k$ which is a simple Artinian ring. Hence all simple $R-$modules are isomorphic.

  1. Let $M,N$ two semisimple $R-$modules with $\dim_kM=\dim_kN<\infty$. Is it true that $M$ and $N$ are isomorphic?

Attempt: Yes. It is $M=V^m,\ N=V^n$ where $V$ is the unique up to isomorphism simple $R-$ module. So $n\dim_kV=\dim_kN=\dim_kM=m\dim_kV<\infty \Rightarrow m=n \Rightarrow M\cong N$.

  1. Let $M,N$ be two $R-$modules with $\dim_kM=\dim_kN<\infty$. Is it true that $M$ and $N$ are isomorphic?

Attempt: I suppose they are not since $R$ is not a simple algebra ($\left\{\begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ b\\ 0\ 0 \ 0 \\ 0\ 0 \ 0\end{pmatrix}:b\in k\right\}$ is an ideal) but I can't find a counter-example.

  1. Is my approach correct?
  1. What about $4$?
  1. Can you give a general example where $R$ is a $k-$algebra of finite dimension (not simple) and the equivalence $M\cong N\iff \dim_kM=\dim_kN<\infty$ does not hold?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Is my approach correct?

Yes, your approaches to 1-3 are fine.

What about 4?

For 4), you already know that you aren't going to have any luck with semisimple modules, so you need to use one that isn't semisimple. Why not start with $R$ itself?

$R$ itself is a $4$-dimensional $k$ algebra, so we'll use that as $M$.

Then just let $N$ be a semisimple module of length $4$ (four copies of the unique simple module.)

Obviously $M\ncong N$, but they have the same $k$-dimension.

Can you give a general example where $R$ is a $k-$algebra of finite dimension (not simple) and the equivalence $M\cong N\iff \dim_kM=\dim_kN<\infty$ does not hold?

Answering 4) above does that, right?

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