Alexander Duality Theorem, a simple version in $\mathbb{R}^n$


Is it fair to say that the following generalization of the Jordan-Brouwer Theorem, due to J. Leray, is a version of the Alexander Duality Theorem?

If the two compact sets $K,\tilde{K}\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ are homeomorphic, then the sets $\mathbb{R}^n \setminus K$ and $\mathbb{R}^n \setminus \tilde{K}$ have the same number of connected components.

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The answer was given in the comments by Moishe Kohan and Lee Mosher.

Certainly Alexander Duality is needed in a form covering arbitrary compact subsets of $\mathbb R^n$. This involves Čech cohomology $\check{H}^*$ and states that for any compact $K \subset \mathbb R^n$ there exists an isomorphism $$\tilde{H}_q(\mathbb R^n \setminus K) \approx \check{H}^{n-q-1}(K).$$ Here $\tilde{H}_*$ denotes reduced singular homology. If $K, K'$ are homeomorphic, this implies $\tilde{H}_0(\mathbb R^n \setminus K) \approx \check{H}^{n-1}(K) \approx \check{H}^{n-1}(K') \approx \tilde{H}_0(\mathbb R^n \setminus K')$. In particular both complements must have the same number of path components. Since both complements are open in $\mathbb R^n$, they are locally path connected whence components and path components agree.

However, Alexander duality is much stronger than your generalization of the Jordan-Brouwer Theorem.

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