Aesthetic proofs that involve Field Theory / Galois Theory


I am preparing for an oral exam on Abstract Algebra, especially Field Theory and Galois Theory.

Now, I'm looking for some aesthetic proofs that involve Galois Theory/Field Theory for two reasons.

  1. I may be asked to point out the basic concepts of Galois Theory and their fields of applications and consequences. Therefore it might be useful to know an non-standard example.

  2. I am just interested in the field of Abstract Algebra and I'm looking forward to find some topics and fields, in which I can intensify my knowledge.

I know already two very basic examples:

  1. The application of Field Theory to clarify the classical antique problems on Straightedge and Compass Construction (Squaring the Circle, Doubling the Cube, Angle Trisection, Construction of a regular Polygon).

  2. The application of Galois Theory to determine whether a polynomial is solvable in radicals.

Which further aesthetic proofs are there, that involve the basic concepts and theorems of Field Theory / Galois Theory? Of course, the number of such proofs is huge, so I'm looking for good examples in the sense pointed out above.

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I'll separate out examples in different answers as this is a big-list question. I gave what I think is the FTA proof Dietrich alludes to here. Quote:

Suppose $K$ is a Galois extension of $\mathbb{R}$. We'll aim to show that either $K = \mathbb{R}$ or $K = \mathbb{C}$. (In particular, $\mathbb{C}$ itself must therefore be algebraically closed.) Let $G$ be its Galois group and let $H$ be the Sylow $2$-subgroup of $G$.

By Galois theory, $K^H$ is an odd extension of $\mathbb{R}$. But $\mathbb{R}$ has no nontrivial odd extensions: any such extension has primitive element something with an odd degree minimal polynomial over $\mathbb{R}$, but any such polynomial has a root by the intermediate value theorem. Hence $K^H = \mathbb{R}$, or equivalently $H = G$, so $G$ has order a power of $2$.

But now $K$ is an iterated quadratic extension of $\mathbb{R}$, and it's easy to explicitly show using the quadratic formula that the only nontrivial quadratic extension of $\mathbb{R}$ is $\mathbb{C}$, which itself has no nontrivial quadratic extensions.

One of the many lovely features of this proof is that it reveals that the only analytical / topological fact you need about $\mathbb{R}$ to prove the FTA is that every polynomial of odd degree has a root. Generally speaking you can classify FTA proofs by what fundamental analytical / topological fact they use; see the old MO question listing proofs of the FTA for more. This proof also appears there (I probably learned it there!) and is attributed to Emil Artin.

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