Additive functor preserving biproducts preserves finite products


Let $F:C \rightarrow D$ be a functor between two additive categories. The claim (p53, prop 40) is :

If $F$ preserves biproducts then $F$ preserves finite products.

For the proof the author wrote:

It suffices to prove that $F$ preserves zero object.

I do not get this argument. I thought there is nothing to prove and this follows by the characterization that for any product $(A\times B, \pi_1, \pi_2)$ we may extend this to a biproduct. $(A \times B, \pi_1, \pi_2, i_1, i_2)$.

So $F$ preserving biproduct implies preserving products (including initial and terminal objects)?

Best Answer

Preserving biproducts implies preserving products of pairs. An induction argument, shows that preserving terminal object and product of pairs implies preserving finite products.