Adding multiple percentages to value


Good morning,

Apologies if this question seems obvious but I need a little help with adding multiple percentages to a value.

The value: $590,568$
The percentages: $14.62%, 49.068%, 2%$

My understanding is as follows:

$\frac{14.62 }{ 100 }= 0.1462$

$590,568 \times 0.1462 = 86,341.0416$

$\frac{49.068 }{ 100 }= 0.49068$

$590,568 \times 0.49068 = 289,779.90624$

$\frac{2 }{100} = 0.02$

$590,568 \times 0.02 = 11,811.36$

$590,568 + 86,341.0416 + 289,779.90624 + 11,811.36 = 387,932.30784 $

$590,568 + 387,932.30784 = 978,500.30784$

My question is if this is correct or should I be multiplying each percentage (after it's been divided by $100$) by the new total so e.g. ($590,568 + 86,341.0416) \times 49.068$

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

You did well.

You can also think of it like this: all of those percentages are going to be portions of the same quantity (590,568), so you can add them together first $$14.62\% + 49.068\% + 2\% = 65.688\%$$

then you take the 65.688% of 590,568 (which is 590,568*0.65688 = 387,932.3) and that's the amount that you need to add: $$590,568 + 387,932.3 = 978,500.3$$

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