Action of $S^1$ on itself

group-actionsVector Fields

I'm reading some lecture notes about equivariant cohomology.
It says that:

Consider the action of the circle on itself by rotations. The circle $S^1$ is parametrized by the angle $\phi$. The action of $S^1$ on $S^1$ is generated by the vector fields $\frac{\partial}{\partial \phi}$.

Please someone explain to me why is this action generated by that vector field.

Ps: the lecture notes I am reading are written in french, so please excuse me if my translation to the quote is bad !

Best Answer

The vector field $\frac\partial{\partial\phi}$ is rotation invariant, hence the action generated by it must be rotation invariant. The only ortation invariant actions on $S^1$ are - rotations.

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