Absorbed Brownian motion CDF — is there a mistake in this derivation

brownian motionmartingalesnormal distributionprobabilitystochastic-processes

I am trying to understand the derivation of the CDF of a Brownian Motion absorbed at a value as shown in this link. The derivation in this link claims that for $a>0$, the Brownian Motion absorbed at a value $a$, defined as

$$B_a=\begin{cases}B_t&\text{for }t<T_a,\\
a&\text{for }t\geq T_a,\end{cases}$$

where $T_a=\inf\{t\geq0:B_t=a\}$ (so the event $\{t\geq T_a\}\equiv\{\max_{s\in[0,t]}B_t\geq a\}$), we obtain

$$\mathbb{P}(B_t\geq x)=\Phi\left(\frac{x}{\sqrt{t}}\right)+\Phi\left(\frac{2a-x}{\sqrt{t}}\right)-1.$$

I plotted the CDF, and it's not monotonically increasing. (I also worked out the PDF and it definitely goes negative at some point.) Is there a typo or mistake in the derivation outlined here? I've tried to nitpick at the use of the reflection principle but it seems logically sound to me.

Best Answer

The CDF is $P(B_a(t) \le x)$. The formula for the CDF is correct, and monotone increasing, for $x<a$. The CDF has a jump discontinuity at $x=a$ and it equals 1 for all $x \ge a$.