Absolute Galois group acts transitively on roots of irreducible polynomials.


During the solving of a homework problem I had encountered this question. Let $k$ be a base field and $k^{sep}$ its maximal separable extension. I know that the Galois group of $L/k$ – split field of separable irreducible polynomial acts transitively on roots, we can send one root to another and extend the map to $k$-automorphism of $L$, but I have no idea how to prove if it can be extended to $k$-automorphism of $k^{sep}$. And of course I don't know if there is some counterexample. Will be glad for some hints or help.

Best Answer

Since $\DeclareMathOperator{\ksep}{{k}^{\text{sep}}} \ksep \supseteq L \supseteq k$, and $L/k$ is Galois, then by the fundamental theorem of Galois theory we have $$ \DeclareMathOperator{\Gal}{Gal} \Gal(L/k) \cong \frac{\Gal(\ksep/k)}{\Gal(\ksep/L)} \, . $$ The quotient map $\Gal(\ksep/k) \to \frac{\Gal(\ksep/k)}{\Gal(\ksep/L)}$ is surjective, which shows that every element of $\Gal(L/k)$ is the restriction of an element of $\Gal(\ksep/k)$. What this extension looks like is not at all clear, as the proof of this fact uses Zorn's Lemma; see Proposition 7.4 (p. 91) of Milne's Galois theory notes.