Absolute convergence of Laurent series

complex-analysislaurent series

There is the following result (not proven) on my notes: If $\sum_{j=-\infty}^\infty a_j (z-z_0)^j$ is converges at some point, then there exist $r_1,r_2\geq 0$ (which can be $\infty$) so that the series is absolutely convergent for $r_1<|z-z_0|<r_2$ and divergent for $|z-z_0|>r_2$ or $|z-z_0|<r_1$. There also exist $r_1',r_2'$ so that the series converges uniformly for $r_1<r_1'\leq |z-z_0|\leq r_2'<r_2$.

Is this result correct? I think I understand that there be convergence and uniform convergence due to the Cauchy-Hadamard theorem, but I cannot see why there should also be absolute convergence. Does this result imply that convergent Laurent series are also absolutely convergent?

Best Answer

Remember that a Laurent series is just the sum of two power series, one in $u = (z - z_0)$ and the other in $w = \dfrac 1{z-z_0}$. Each power series has a radius of convergence, say $r_u$ for the series in $u$ and $r_w$ for the series in $w$. Power series are absolutely convergent everywhere inside their radius of convergence (if you look at the proof of Hadamard's formula for the radius of convergence, you will see that it actually proves absolute convergence).

But $$|u| < r_u \implies|z-z_0| < r_u$$

and $$|w| < r_w \implies \dfrac 1{|z-z_0|} < r_w \implies \dfrac 1{r_w} < |z - z_0|$$

So setting $r_2 = r_u$ and $r_1 = \frac 1{r_w}$ gives that the Laurent series is absolutely convergent on $r_1 \le |z - z_0| \le r_2$.