About the structure of a Hopf algebra on universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras


We know that the universal enveloping algebra construction provides a functor from Lie algebras to cocommutative Hopf algebras which is left adjoint to the primitive functor. Furthermore, if we restrict to connected cocommutative Hopf algebras over a field of characteristic zero, it becomes an equivalence by Milnor-Moore Theorem.

Now let consider the diagonal map $L \to L \times L$, where $L$ is a Lie algebra. I do not know how this diagonal map defines a structure of Hopf algebra on universal enveloping algebra $U(L)$? Moreover, let consider the augmentation ideal of $U(L)$ and $\operatorname{gr} U(L)$ be its grading associated to filtration by augmentation ideal, can we show that $\operatorname{gr} U(L)$ is a primitively generated Hopf algebra? Your assistance with understanding the details behind the scenes of the above mentioned concepts will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

For every two Lie algebras $𝔀$ and $π”₯$, their direct sum $𝔀 βŠ• π”₯$ as vector spaces can again be made into a Lie algebra via the bracket $$ [(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2)] = ( [x_1, x_2] , [y_1, y_2] ) \,. $$ The inclusion maps $$ i \colon 𝔀 \longrightarrow 𝔀 βŠ• π”₯ \,, \quad j \colon π”₯ \longrightarrow 𝔀 βŠ• π”₯ $$ given by $i(x) = (x, 0)$ and $j(y) = (0, y)$ are homomorphisms of Lie algebras. The induced homomorphisms of algebras $$ \mathrm{U}(i) \colon \mathrm{U}(𝔀) \longrightarrow \mathrm{U}(𝔀 βŠ• π”₯) \,, \quad \mathrm{U}(j) \colon \mathrm{U}(π”₯) \longrightarrow \mathrm{U}(𝔀 βŠ• π”₯) $$ can be combined into a single homomorphism of algebras $$ Ξ¦ \colon \mathrm{U}(𝔀) βŠ— \mathrm{U}(π”₯) \longrightarrow \mathrm{U}(𝔀 βŠ• π”₯) \,. $$ The homomorphism $Ξ¦$ is already an isomorphism. This isomorphism and its inverse are given in formulas by $$ Ξ¦( x βŠ— y ) = (x, 0) β‹… (0, y) \,, \quad Ξ¦^{-1}( (x, y) ) = x βŠ— 1 + 1 βŠ— y \,, $$ for all $x ∈ 𝔀$, $y ∈ π”₯$. The isomorphism $Ξ¦$ is natural in both $𝔀$ and $π”₯$.

For every Lie algebra $𝔀$ we have the diagonal map $$ Ξ΄ \colon 𝔀 \longrightarrow 𝔀 βŠ• 𝔀 \,, \quad x \longmapsto (x, x) \,. $$ This map is a homomorphism of Lie algebras, and therefore induces a homomorphism of algebras $$ Ξ” \colon \mathrm{U}(𝔀) \xrightarrow{\enspace \mathrm{U}(Ξ΄) \enspace} \mathrm{U}(𝔀 βŠ• 𝔀) \xrightarrow{\enspace Ξ¦ \enspace} \mathrm{U}(𝔀) βŠ— \mathrm{U}(𝔀) \,. $$ The homomorphism $Ξ”$ is given by $$ Ξ”(𝔀)(x) = x βŠ— 1 + 1 βŠ— x $$ for all $x ∈ 𝔀$.

It can now be shown that $Ξ”$ is comultiplicative, that it admits a counit $Ξ΅$, and that the resulting bialgebra structure on $\mathrm{U}(𝔀)$ is already a Hopf algebra structure. The counit $Ξ΅$ and antipode $S$ of this Hopf algebra structure are explicitly given by$Ξ΅(x) = 0$ and $S(x) = 0$ for all $x ∈ 𝔀$.ΒΉ

Let now $I$ be the augmentation ideal of $\mathrm{U}(𝔀)$ with respect to $Ξ΅$. It follows from the PBW-theorem that the associated graded algebra $\operatorname{gr}_I \mathrm{U}(𝔀)$ is the symmetric algebra $\mathrm{S}(\mathfrak{g})$. The Hopf algebra structure on $\mathrm{S}(𝔀)$ is given by the comultiplication $Ξ”(x) = x βŠ— 1 + 1 βŠ— x$ for all $x ∈ 𝔀$. In other words, all the elements of $𝔀$ are primitive in $\mathrm{S}(𝔀)$. The algebra $\mathrm{S}(𝔀)$ is generated by $𝔀$, and therefore generated by primitive elements.

ΒΉ Both $Ξ΅$ and $S$ also come from homomorphisms of Lie algebras: the zero homomorphism $𝔀 \to 0$ induces the counit $\mathrm{U}(𝔀) \to \mathrm{U}(0) = π•œ$, and the isomorphism $𝔀 \to 𝔀^{\mathrm{op}}$ induces the antipode $\mathrm{U}(𝔀) \to \mathrm{U}(𝔀^{\mathrm{op}}) β‰… \mathrm{U}(𝔀)^{\mathrm{op}}$.

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