About the proof of invertible quadratic expressions in Linear Algebra Done Right

adjoint-operatorslinear algebra

The theorem is that if $ T\in L(V)$ (and $V$ is a real finite-dimensional vector space) is self-adjoint and b,c $\in \mathbb R$ such that $b^2<4c$. Then the operator $$ T^2 + bT +cI$$ is invertible.
The proof is

$\langle (T^2+bT+cI)v,v\rangle = \|Tv\|^2+c\|v\|^2+\langle bTv,v\rangle \\ \geq \|Tv\|^2+c\|v\|^2-|b|\|Tv\|\cdot\|v\| =(\|T\|-\dfrac{|b|}{2}\|v|)^2+\|v\|^2(c-\dfrac{b^2}{4})>0$

(The inequality is by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

However, (this might be a silly question) I don't know why we can't regard the operator $$ T^2 + bT +cI$$ as a quadratic function in terms of $T$. Then by using the discriminant $\Delta= b^2 -4c$, the answer will show up immediately.

Is this forbidden due to $T$ being an operator? Or is it possible to consider all the operators on $V$ to be an infinite-dimensional vector space $W$ and there exists a map $S$ such that $S: W\to W, T \to T^2+bT+cI$. Then use the discriminant?

Best Answer

It is not entirely clear to me how the proof above is meant to work, perhaps it is assumed that $V$ is finite dimensional?

If $V$ is any Hilbert space then the result is true. The following proof depends on the fact that a normal operator $A$ is invertible iff it is bounded below (that is, there is some $\mu>0$ such that $\|Ax\| \ge \mu \|x\|$).

Let $u\pm iv$ solve $x^2+bx+c=0$ (in particular, since $b^2<4c$ we see that $v \neq 0$) and note that $T+bT+cI = (T-uI-ivI)(T-uI+ivI)$. It is straightforward to check that $B=T-uI- ivI$ is normal and we see that $T+bT+cI = B B^*$.

$\|Bx\|^2 = \langle Bx, Bx \rangle = \|(T-u)x\|^2 + |v^2|\|x\|^2 \ge |v|^2 \|x\|^2$ and so $B$ is invertible. Similarly $B^*$ is invertible and so $BB^*$ is invertible.