About the integral of a positively oriented orientation form for noncompact manifolds.


I'm studying Lee's Intro. to Smooth Manifolds 2 edition, and I have question regarding the situation in the title of this question.

Since he defines integration only for forms with compact support, how should I interpret item c) of proposition 16.6, which asserts that the integral of a positively oriented orientation form $\omega$ is positive. Since a orientation form can't have compact support unless the manifold is compact, should this integral be interpreted in some extended/improper way?

The author does give a brief comment on the possibility of extending the definition of integration to non compact supported forms but doesn't go into any details about how this process could be done.

Best Answer

I can see why you might be confused, but the hypotheses ($\omega$ is compactly supported and an orientation form) imply that $M$ must be compact. So that's the only case to which that statement applies.