About the Fibonacci’s numbers identity ${n \choose k}_F = F_{n-k+1}{n-1 \choose k-1}_F+F_{k-1} {n-1 \choose k}_F$


I am trying to prove, in a combinatorial way, this identity for fibonomial coefficients, when $0\lt k \lt n $:

$${n \choose k}_F = F_{n-k+1}{n-1 \choose k-1}_F+F_{k-1} {n-1 \choose k}_F$$

where $F_n$ is defined by $F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}$, $\,\,\,F_0=0, \,\,\,\,F_1 =1$ and $${n \choose k}_F = \frac{n!_F}{k!_F(n-k)!_F}, \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,n!_F=F_1F_2\dots F_n$$

It's well known that the $F_n$ counts the number of coverings of a board $(n-1)\times1$ with squares and dominoes and I have already proved that $F_n = F_{n-k+1}F_{k-2}+F_{k-1}F_{n-k}$ by considering when the $(k-1)$th slot of the board is covered either with one or the other kind of tile.

It's clear that the fibotorial $n!_F$ enumerates the number of tilings, with squares and dominoes, of a upper-triangular board $(n-1)\times(n-1)$ and, it has been quite harder, but I showed that the fibonomial is an integer number by "cutting away" the number of coverings of a $(k-1)\times(k-1)$ upper triangular board from $n!_F$.

Now I want to conclude that ${n-1 \choose k-1}_F = F_{k-2}$ and ${n-1 \choose k}_F =F_{n-k}$ by assembling the two results, I can do that algebraically, but how to see it in a combinatorial way?

Best Answer

Here is a combinatorial interpretation of $\binom{n}{k}_F$. All of this is taken from the source cited at the end. Quoting Theorem $2$ from the article,

For $a, b ≥ 1,$ $\binom{a+b}{a}_F$ counts the ways to draw a lattice path from $(0, 0)$ to $(a, b)$, then tile each row above the lattice path with squares and dominos, then tile each column below the lattice path with squares and dominos, with the restriction that the column tilings are not allowed to start with a square.

This interpretation can be proved by induction, using the identity ${n \choose k}_F = F_{n-k+1}{n-1 \choose k-1}_F+F_{k-1} {n-1 \choose k}_F$, which is proved by conditioning on whether the lattice path ends with a vertical step or horizontal step.

Combinatorial Proofs of Fibonomial Identities (with Elizabeth Reiland*) The Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 52, Number 5, pp. 28-34, December 2014. https://www.fq.math.ca/52-5.html

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