About the definition of l-adic Tate-twist


In the J. Tate's paper "Relations Between $K_2$ and Galois Cohomology" Let F any field $F^{\text{sep}}$ the separable closure of F $G_F=\text{Gal}(F^{\text{sep}}/F$) he defines the ($\mathbb{Z}_l,G_F$)-modules $\mathbb{Z}_l(n)$ for $n\in \mathbb{Z}$ ($\mathbb{Z}_l$ is the ring of $l$-adic integers where $l$ is a prime different from characteristic of F) inductively as follows:

$\mathbb{Z}_l(0)=\mathbb{Z}_l$, $\mathbb{Z}_l(1)=\varprojlim{(\mu_{l^i})}$, $\mathbb{Z}_l(n+1)=\mathbb{Z}_l(n)\otimes_{\mathbb{Z}_l}\mathbb{Z}_l(1)$ for $n\geq 0$ and $\mathbb{Z}_l(n-1)=\text{Hom}(\mathbb{Z}_l(1),\mathbb{Z}_l(n))$ for $n\leq 0$.

I'm not sure how $G_F$ acts in each case.

Where i can find bibliography for these definitions?.


Best Answer

The action is trivial on $\Bbb Z_\ell(0)$. There is a Galois action on the $\mu_{\ell^n}$: each $\sigma$ in the Galois group maps each element of $\mu_{\ell^n}$ to some element of $\mu_{\ell^n}$. This induces the action on $\Bbb Z_\ell(1)$ (so it's basically via the Galois group of the part of the cyclotomic extension generated by $\ell$-power roots of unity).

For general $\Bbb Z_l(n)$ the action comes from the usual way of defining tensor products of $\Bbb G$-modules as $\Bbb G$-modules, etc.

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