About the definition of completion of a metric space $R$.


The definition of completion of a metric space $R$ is the following:

Definition 1:
Given a metric space $R$ with closure $[R]$, a complete metric space $R^*$ is called a completion of $R$ if $R\subset R^*$ and $[R]=R^*$, i.e., if $R$ is a subset of $R^*$ everywhere dense in $R^*$.

Why is the following definition of mine bad?

My definition:
Given a metric space $R$, a complete metric space $R^*$ is called a completion of $R$ if $R\subset R^*$.

jjagmath, thank you very much for your comment.

Is the following definition equivalent to the definition 1?

My definition 2:
Given a metric space $R$, a complete metric space $R^*$ is called a completion of $R$ if $R^*$ is the smallest complete metric space which includes $R$.

Best Answer

Take as our starting metric space $[0,1)$. Obviously the "right" completion is $[0,1]$, that is:

  • take the original space;

  • add a new point to it, namely $1$;

  • extend the metric to set $d(a,1)=1-a$ for each $a\in [0,1)$.

However, this isn't the only thing we could do. For example, we could also look at the metric space whose underlying set is $[0,1)\cup\{17\}$ with distance function $f$ given by $f(x,y)=\vert x-y\vert$ if $x,y\in [0,1)$, $f(17,17)=0$, and for $a\in [0,1)$ we set $f(a,17)=f(17,a)=1-a$.

This sort of issue indicates why "definitions" like "the smallest complete metric space containing $R$" are going to be problematic: they require us to compare objects which don't, on the face of it, admit any sort of meaningful comparison. That said, there are a couple ways to make your proposed definition precise, which I'll phrase as theorems (using the standard definition of "completion"):

  • Suppose $R\subseteq R^*$ are metric spaces with $R^*$ complete. Then $R^*$ is a completion of $R$ iff no proper subspace of $R^*$ containing $R$ is complete. (So completions are "internally minimal.")

  • Suppose $R\subseteq R^*$ are metric spaces with $R^*$ complete. Then $R^*$ is a completion of $R$ iff for every complete metric space $S$ with $R\subseteq S$ there is a unique isometric embedding of $R^*$ into $S$ which is the identity on $R$. (So completions are "minimal with respect to comparisons via isometries.")

The second notion isn't as snappy, but it's actually getting at a deeper idea than the first (that of figuring out how to compare very disparate objects by looking for maps between them, especially unique maps, satisfying certain nice properties).

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