About the curvature of a Cartan connection


Let $M$ be a manifold, $L$ a Lie group and $L_0 \subset L$ a closed subgroup such that $\text{dim } M = \text{dim }L/L_0 = n$. Let $P$ be a $L_0$-bundle over $M$ and let $\omega$ be a Cartan connection on P, which is a $\mathfrak{l}$-valued 1-form on $P$ such that:

(a) $\omega(X^*) = X$ for all $X \in \mathfrak{l}_0$, (here $X^*$ is the fundamental vector field defined by $X$, which is the vector field defined by $X^*_p := \frac{d}{dt}\big|_{t = 0} p \cdot\exp(tX)$).

(b) $(R_g)^* \omega = \text{Ad}(g^{-1})\omega$, for all $g \in L_0$, (where $R_g$ denotes the right action of $L_0$ on $P$).

(c) If $X \in TP$ is non-zero, then $\omega(X) \neq 0$, (i.e., $\omega$ defines an absolute parallelism on $P$, since $P$ and $L$ have the same dimension).

Suppose that we have that the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{l}$ has a decomposition of the type $\mathfrak{l} =\mathfrak{g}_{-1} + \mathfrak{g}_0 + \mathfrak{g}_{1}$ with $\mathfrak{l}_0 = \mathfrak{g}_0 + \mathfrak{g}_{1}$, and that we write the Cartan connection as $\omega = \omega_{-1} + \omega_0 + \omega_1$.
The curvature of $\omega$ is defined as the following 2-form on $P, $ $\Omega := d\omega + \frac{1}{2}[\omega,\omega]$.

I am stuck trying to understand why the curvature only depends on the term $\omega_{-1}$. More concretely, I don't know how to prove the following assertion:
There are $\mathfrak{l}$-valued functions $K_{ij}$ such that

\begin{equation}\Omega = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j}K_{ij}\omega^i \wedge \omega^j \hspace{1cm} (1)

Where the $\omega^k$ are the coordinates of $\omega_{-1}$ with respect to some basis of $\mathfrak{g}_{-1}$.

I am following the book of S. Kobayashi, "Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry", and it is written that this property follows from the following 3 facts:

(i) $\omega_{-1}$ restricted to each fiber vanishes.

(ii) $\omega_0 + \omega_1$ restricted to each fiber defines an absolute parallelism.

(iii) The curvature $\Omega$ restricted to each fiber vanishes.

I understand why these 3 facts are true. The first two are due to (a) and (a) and (c) respectively, and the third one follows from (i) and the fact that the form $\omega_0 + \omega_1$ satisfies the Maurer-Cartan equation $d\omega + \frac{1}{2}[\omega,\omega]=0$. Now, we should have that $\Omega$ only depends on $\omega_{-1}$ and can be written as in (1), but I don't know how to deduce it completely. Here is what I have done.

To prove the assertion take $X, Y \in \mathfrak{X}(P)$. By the bilinearity of $\Omega$, it suffices to prove it for the cases: $X$ and $Y$ both vertical, $X$ and $Y$ both horizontal, and $X$ vertical, $Y$ horizontal (the case $X$ horizontal, $Y$ vertical might be similar). For the first two we have that $\Omega(X,Y) = 0$ and $\Omega(X,Y) = d\omega_{-1}(X,Y)$ respectively, which only depend on $\omega_{-1}$ and can be written in the form of (1). However, for the last case I can only deduce that
$$\Omega(A^*,Y) = d\omega_{-1}(A^*,Y) + \frac{1}{2}[A^*, \omega_{-1}(Y)],$$

where $A \in \mathfrak{l}_0$ is an element satisfying $X = A^*$ (since $X$ is vertical).
This expression only depends on $\omega_{-1}$, and the first term can be written as in (1). However I don't know how to manage the second term. Can it be written in the form of (1) too? Am I missing something?

Any comment or hint would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Just in case, I'm adding the page of the book below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I was able to solve the problem, so I am writing this answer just to close the post. It might be useful for someone else in the future.

I don't know if it can be proved directly from the facts (i)~(iii) as S. Kobayashi suggests in his book, but I could prove it by using a previous (non-trivial) lemma, which I found in the book Differential Geometry. Cartan’s Generalization of Klein’s Erlangen Program, by R. W. Sharpe [S]

The key is the following

Lemma [Lem. 5.3.9, S] Let $\psi: P \rightarrow L_0$ be a smooth map and define $f: P \rightarrow P$ by $f(p) := p \cdot \psi(p)$. Then, the following holds: $$ (f^*\omega)_p = \text{Ad}(\psi(p)^{-1})\omega_p + (\psi^*\omega_{L_0})_p \quad (\forall p \in P),\\ (f^*\Omega)_p = \text{Ad}(\psi(p))\Omega_p \quad (\forall p \in P).$$ where $\omega_{L_0}$ stands for the Maurer--Cartan form of $L_0$.

This allows us to prove the following fact.

Fact [Cor. 5.3.10, S] The curvature $\Omega(X,Y)$ of a Cartan form $\omega$ on $P$ vanishes whenever $X$ or $Y$ is vertical.

Now, since $\Omega$ is a two-form and from (c), we can express $\Omega$ as in (1) since $\omega_0(Z) = \omega_1(Z)$ for any $Z$ horizontal.

Let's prove the Fact.

Take $p \in P$, $X, Y \in T_pP$ and suppose that $Y$ is vertical. Take an arbitrary $\psi: P \rightarrow L_0$ satisfying the conditions below and define $f: P \rightarrow P$ by $f(p) = p \cdot \psi(p) = R_{\psi(p)}p$. \begin{equation*} \begin{gathered} \psi(p) = e \in L_0, \enspace (d\psi)_p(Y) = -\omega_p(Y) \in \mathfrak{l}_0. \end{gathered} \end{equation*} Now, by the lemma \begin{equation*} \begin{gathered} (f^*\omega)_p(Y) = \omega_p((df)_p(Y)) = \text{Ad}(\psi(p)^{-1})\omega_p(Y) + (\psi^*\omega_{L_0})_p(Y) \\ = \omega_p(Y) + (\omega_{L_0})_{\psi(p)}((d\psi)_p(Y)) = \omega_p(Y) - \omega_p(Y) = 0, \end{gathered} \end{equation*} and by condition (c) of the definition of a Cartan form, we deduce $(df)_p(Y) = 0$.

On the other hand, $$\Omega_p(X,Y)= \text{Ad}(\psi(p))\Omega_p(X,Y) = (f^*\Omega)_p(X,Y) = \Omega_p((df)_p(X),(df)_p(Y)) = \Omega_p((df)_p(X), 0)$$

Hence, $\Omega_p(X,Y) = 0$.