About quotient spaces of dual spaces


So when looking around online about dual spaces and quotient spaces I found that if $V$ is a Banach space, $Z \subseteq V^*$ is a closed subspace then there is a set $Z^T \subseteq V$ such that $V^* / Z \cong (V/Z^T )^*$. Could anybody perhaps explain to me what this set $Z^T$ exactly is? I could not easily find something about it online, so that is why I am asking if someone here maybe knows more about it.

Best Answer

$Z^\top$ is the pre-annihilator of $Z$, i.e.,

$$Z^\top = \{x\in V\colon \langle f,x\rangle = 0\; (f\in Z)\}.$$

To see that indeed we have this identification in the case $Z$ is weak*-closed, note that we may define

Every functional $f\in (V/Z^\top)^*$ canonically defines $\Phi(f)\in V^* / Z$ by $$\langle \Phi(f) + Z, v \rangle = \langle f,v+Z^\perp\rangle \quad (v\in V, z\in Z^\top).$$