About interior of a set in a subspace


Let $Y$ be a subspace of a topological space $X$ and let $A\subseteq Y$. Denote the $\operatorname{Int}_X(A)$ as the interior of $A$ in the topological space $X$ and $\operatorname{Int}_Y(A)$ as that in the topological space $Y$. Show that $\operatorname{Int}_X(A)\subseteq \operatorname{Int}_Y(A)$. Give an example where the relationship cannot be an equality.

Answer: The answer is given here. As for the example where the relationship cannot be an equality, that is addressed here.

My Question:
The fact that $\operatorname{Int}_X(A)\subseteq \operatorname{Int}_Y(A)$ is really bothering me because I cannot really build an intuition around it. The interior of a set w.r.t the larger space $X$, is a subset of the interior of the same set w.r.t the smaller space $Y$, where I am using larger/smaller in the sense that $Y \subseteq X$. Why is that? Isn't it natural to expect the opposite? Why is it turning out to be the way it is? I completely understand the proof but somehow, I cannot build an intuition around it. Please help me understand better.

Best Answer

For a point $x$ to be in the interior of $A\subset X$ (with respect to $X$) means that all the point of $X$ close enough to $x$ are also in $A$ (ie $A$ contains a neighborhood of $x$).

Now, for $x$ to be in $\operatorname{Int}_Y(A)$, you need all the points of $Y$, close enough of $x$, to be in $A$. Since $Y\subset X$, there are less points that we need to consider, so this is a weaker condition.

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