Abelian/Non-Abelian Groups and Inverses


If we have a group $\left(G,*\right)$ without knowing whether it is abelian or not, then:

If $\left(a*b\right)' \neq a'*b'$ (where a' is the inverse of a) can we conclude that commutativity does not hold over * and G is non-Abelian?

My reasoning is that for any group we can prove using associativity that $\left(a*b\right)' = b'*a'$, but we can only prove that $\left(a*b\right)' = a'*b'$ if the group is Abelian (by swapping the elements on the RHS).

An example of when this works/doesn't work would be super-helpful.

I'm fairly new to abstract algebra and college-level maths in general so it's quite possible I missed something along the line definition-wise.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Yes. Because you know (a.b)'=b'.a', if its different than a'.b' then it's because the group isn't commutative. The group of invertible 2x2 matrices is an example of such a group