Inequality – Proving an Inequality Involving Square Roots


Problem. Let $a,b,c\ge 0:ab+bc+ca=1.$ Prove that $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{a+bc}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{b+ca}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{c+ab}}\ge 2\sqrt{2}.$$
Equality holds when two of $a,b,c$ very near $0$.

The form of problem is quite similar with Pham Kim Hung's inequality (AOPSlink) and a problem I have posted recently (similarMSE)

In the post #46, Michael Rozenberg (aka arqady) gave a very sharp Holder estimate.

They are two same equality case. That why I tried to use similar Holder approach:
Hence, we need to prove:$$\left(\sum_{cyc}(a^2+4ab)\right)^3\geq\sum_{cyc}(a+bc)(b+c)^3(3a+b+c)^3,$$hay$$\left((a+b+c)^2+2\right)^3$$
$$ \geq (a+bc)(b+c)^3(3a+b+c)^3+(b+ca)(a+c)^3(3b+a+c)^3+(c+ba)(b+a)^3(3c+b+a)^3,$$
which is wrong when $a=b\rightarrow 0;c\rightarrow +\infty !$

I am trying to find a good Holder estimate.

If you find something interesting in using Holder (like tricks, the motivations…) please share me. Thank you.

Best Answer

I hope the following will help.

By AM-GM $$\sqrt{2(a+bc)}\le a+bc+\frac{1}{2},$$hence we will prove$$\frac{1}{2a+2bc+1}+\frac{1}{2b+2ca+1}+\frac{1}{2c+2ab+1}\ge 1.$$ The last inequality was here.

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