$ABCD$ is a square, point $E$ lies inside the square such that $BE=2$, $AE=6\sqrt{2}$, $CE=8$, calculate the area of $\triangle BEC$.


The question is as stated in the title, in the figure given below, find the area of $\triangle BEC$. I must admit this was a challenging problem and the solution that I came up with (which will also be posted as an answer) is pretty complicated and "messy". So, I'd like to see if there are any better approaches that may be simpler as well.

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Best Answer

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The figure is obtained by putting $\Delta BCE$ and $\Delta BAE$ together, with $BA$ overlapping $BC$.

Note that $$\angle CBE + \angle BEA = 90^o \implies \angle E_1BE_2=90^o$$

By Pythagoras theorem, $E_1E_2=\sqrt 8$

Noting that $$E_1A_C^2+E_1E_2^2=8+64=72=E_2A_C^2$$

By Converse of Pythagoras' Theorem, $\angle E_2E_1A_C=90^o$

Thus $\angle BE_1A_C =135^o$

Hence the required area is$$\frac{1}{2}(2)(8)\sin 135^o = \frac{1}{2}(2)(8)\frac{\sqrt 2}{2}=4\sqrt 2$$