$ABC$ is a triangle such that $BC = 74 cm$ and point $D$ is on $BC$ so $BD=14cm$.If $\angle ADB=60^\circ$ then what is the area of triangle $ABC$


In the figure below, $ABC$ is a triangle such that $\angle BAC = 150^\circ$ , $BC = 74 cm$ and point $D$ is on $BC$ such that $BD=14cm$.If $\angle ADB=60^\circ$,then what is the area, in $cm^2$, of triangle $ABC$?

enter image description here

I have no idea how to solve this, I think the height can somehow be calculated, but I dont know how, help aswell as solutions would be appreciated

Taken from the 2019 IMC

Best Answer

enter image description here

Construct the isosceles triangle ADE. Then, $\angle$AEC = 180 - $\frac 12\angle$ADB = 150. Thus, ACE and ACB are similar triangles with

$$AC^2=BC(DC - DE)\tag{1}$$

Apply the cosine law to the triangle ADC,

$$AC^2=AD^2+DC^2-AD\cdot DC\cos120\tag{2}$$

Let AD = DE = $a$. Eliminate AC in (1) and (2), and substitute other segments with $a$ and the given lengths,


which yields $a=6$. The area of the triangle is, then,

$$\frac 12 BC\cdot a\sin60= 111\sqrt 3$$