$A,B,C$ and $D$ are concyclic.$AC$ is the diameter of the circle and $AD=DC$.The area of quadrilateral $ABCD$ is $20cm^2$.


$A,B,C$ and $D$ are concyclic . $AC$ is the diameter of the circle and $AD=DC$ . The area of quadrilateral $ABCD$ is $20c$m$^2$.

Draw a line $DE$ such that $E$ is a point on $AB$, and $DE$ $\bot$ $AB$.
Find the length of $DE$.
The answer keys says that it is ${2}\sqrt{5}$ $cm$. How was the length found?

I imagine that the use of similar triangles and using the fact that angle in a semicircle is $90^\circ $may be involved, but I cannot go beyond that.

Best Answer

enter image description hereE is out side of side AB. Draw a perpendicular from D on BC and mark it as F. Quadrilateral DEBF is square, so $EE=BF$. Triangles DFC and DEA are equal because two sides of them DC=AD and DF=DE. So we cut the triangle DFC and add it to DABF on side AD to costruct triangle ADE. This means the area of ABCD is equal to the rea of square DEBF, therefor $DE=\sqrt {20}=2\sqrt 5$