A weakly locally path connected space that is not locally path connected


I am reading through an article by Shelah where it has a definition for a weakly locally path connected space:

Say that $X$ is weakly locally path connected (WLPC) if for every $x\in X$ and every neighborhood $u$ of $x$, there exists a neighborhood $v$ of $x$ in $u$ such that every point in $v$ can be joind to $x$ by a path through $u$.

Also I know the definition of locally path connectedness as "for every $x \in X$ and every neighborhood $u$ of $x$, there is a path connected neighborhood $v$ of $x$ contained in $u$." I wonder what is an example of a space that is not locally path connected but it is weakly locally path connected. I gave it some thought for several hours but I couldn't come up with any examples.

Best Answer

"Weakly locally path-connected" is actually equivalent to "locally path-connected". To prove this, suppose $X$ is weakly locally path-connected, $x\in X$, and $U$ is an open neighborhood of $x$. Let $V$ be the path-component of $x$ in $U$. I claim that $V$ is in fact open, and so is a path-connected open neighborhood of $x$ contained in $U$. To prove this, suppose $y\in V$. By weak local path-connectedness, there exists an open set $W$ such that $y\in W\subseteq U$ and every element of $W$ is connected to $y$ by a path in $U$. Then every element of $W$ is in the path-component $V$. So $V$ contains a neighborhood of each of its points, and is open.