A way to write decimal fractions like $1.333\dots$


Sorry if my question sounds odd; I'm a typographer, not a mathematician. Is there a better way to write decimal fractions like $1.333\dots$ or $1.444\dots$?

By "better" I mean that

  • it should be clear that the decimal point is followed by infinite series of only one digit (that is, it should be clear that we mean $1.33333333333333\dots$ and not something like $1.3333333333333341333\dots$)

  • the notation should be compact. This is why writing these fraction like $4:3$ or $13:9$ is not a way to go for me.

Best Answer

You can do that by simply putting a bar on top of the decimal digits that repeat, for example, $\frac{1}{7} = 0.142857142857142857...$ which you can write $0.\overline{142857}$.

It's even better to write fractions like $\frac{3}{44} = 0.06\overline{81}$ which have repeating digits that don't start immediately after the dot.

You can find some other ways to write fractions on this website if you want (in section 1.4).

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