A summary and \or reference to the theory of REAL representation theory


In fulton and harris there is a short discussion of real representations which is unsatisfactory to me.

In $\mathbb{C}$ we have a great theory-

  1. We know how many irreducible representations there are
  2. We have a simple relation about their dimensions that in particular bounds the dimensions of irreducible nicely
  3. Most importantly, we have characters which are great tools to let us decompose a given representation to irreducible ones.

I want to understand what the analogs of those are in $\mathbb{R}$.


My attempts give 'algorithms' to solve those questions, but I'd prefer formulas if that makes sense (like the number of conjugacy classes, etc).


We can use Artin Wedderburn and the Frobenius theorem to know the group algebra breaks up to a sum of $M_{n\times n}(D)$ for $D$ one of $\mathbb{R},\mathbb{C},\mathbb{H}$. That gives us good bounds on the irreducible representations and I guess a 'formula' that instead of just their dimensions and amount, involves $Dim Hom_\mathbb{R}(V,V)$


Suppose you found all complex representations.
The cheapest attempt is to say okay to understand a real representation $V$ I'll complexify it to $V'$. Then if $V = \oplus V_i$ then $V' = \oplus V_i '$, though the other direction is not true, so I have a technical way to decompose a representation assuming I know the complex ones, by going over all subsets of the summands of the decomposition of $V'$ and see if their sum comes from some $W \otimes \mathbb{C}$ for $W$ a subspace of $V$.
Fulton-Harris gives a criterion to when a represenation is real (complexified of real), but that isn't the same as checking for me if the sum comes from some $W \otimes \mathbb{C}$, so I don't even understand why this criterion is important.

What are more accurate\systematic things one can say or good references?

Best Answer

I enjoyed Joppy's sources, writing this answer to partially answer and close the question.

As Joppy mentioned https://math.mit.edu/~poonen/715/real_representations.pdf is a cool source.

Here is the short summary if I understand correctly-

Take the irreducible representations over $\mathbb{C}$, and pair them up by conjugation. Call a pair weird if $V = \bar{V}$. For nonweird pairs, there is a unique irreducible representation over $\mathbb{\mathbb{R}}$, $W$, with $W_{\mathbb{C}} = V \oplus \bar{V}$, and in particular the restriction to $\mathbb{R}$ of $V,\bar{V}; _{\mathbb{R}}V$ gives $W$.

For a weird pair, there are two options. First, there is the option $V$ is real, and so is $V=W_{\mathbb{C}}$, in this case $W$ is unique, irreducible, and can be obtained via finding a bilinear symmetric form and following the proof of FS.

In the second option, $V$ is quaternionic, in which case $V \oplus V = W_{\mathbb{C}} $ for a unique irreducible $W$, and $W$ is the restriction of $V$ to $_{\mathbb{R}}W$.

The above description gives a bijection between pairs of complex irreducibles and the real representations.

This also answers 2 as best as possible (you can relate the above cases of $W_\mathbb{C}$ with what $D(W)$ is).

For 3, again thanks to Joppy for the source. We have the frobenius schur indicator $v(\chi)$ associated to a complex representation.

Given a real representation $W$, if it's irreducible the notes explain how $W_\mathbb{C}$ can split. You can check in all cases $||\chi||^2 + v(\chi) = 2$ (this is a numerical miracle though that we have a condition by the character as far as I can see), and otherwise $||\chi||^2 + v(\chi) > 2$. Finally for two distinct real representations, again the explanation shows $\chi_1,\chi_2$ are orthogonal (since the complex reps are distinct).