Geometry – Total Area of Discs Growing from Random Points in a Square

circlesexpected valuegeometryintuitionpoisson process

A unit square lamina contains $n$ independent uniformly random points. Each point is the centre of a disc whose perimeter touches the nearest neighboring point. Here is an example with $n=20$.

enter image description here

In this example, the total area of the discs (i.e. the sum of areas of the discs, not the area of the union of the discs) is approximately $1.0105$.

What does the total area of the discs approach, as $n\to\infty$ ?

The answer is $1$, i.e. the area of the square itself. I give a non-intuitive proof below. But since this result is quite elegant, I am looking for an intuitive explanation.

My non-intuitive proof

As $n\to\infty$, the points approach a 2D Poisson process with intensity $n$. For a chosen point, let $x$ be the distance to its nearest neighbor, which has density function

$$f(x)=2n\pi xe^{-n\pi x^2}$$

So the total area of the discs approaches

$$n\int_0^\infty \pi x^2 f(x)\mathrm dx=1$$

by integration by parts twice.


The shape of the lamina (e.g. square) does not matter, since we are taking $n\to\infty$.

The answer is the same in one, two or three dimensions. (In one dimension, the nearest neighbor distance density function is $f(x)=2ne^{-2nx}$. In three dimensions, it is $f(x)=4n\pi x^2e^{-\frac{4n\pi}{3}x^3}$.)

This question was inspired by a related question, "A square contains many random points. From each point, a disc grows until it hits another disc. What proportion of the square is covered by the discs?".

Best Answer

Imagine adding an $(n+1)$-th point. For each of the $n$ existing points, the probability that the new point becomes the existing point’s nearest neighbour is $\frac1n$. Thus by linearity of expectation the expected number of points whose nearest neighbour the new point becomes is $1$. The disks mark the area where a new point would become the disc centre’s nearest neighbour. Thus, the sum of the disc areas inside the square is the integral over all points $x$ (and thus the expectation) of the number of points whose nearest neighbour $x$ would become if it were added as a new point. By the above, the expected value of this sum averaged over all configurations of the $n$ points is $1$. Since parts of the areas lie outside the square, their total area is expected to be slightly larger than $1$, but with $n\to\infty$ the proportion of the disc areas that lie outside the square goes to zero.