A single instance (row) of a truth table is called (an adventure solving a problem of terminology)


Just now, for whatever reason I'm having issues finding out the terminology of what name/s is given to a single instance (a row) from a truth table.

My question is focused on the (system and steps) in (solving the problem itself) — in a generically-Λ-succinct way. I only have a GED's worth of formal schooling and was never taught a sophisticated/structured method of obtaining knowledge like in the unknown above. My strategy has always been solely intuition, then brute force through permutations. But when intuition fails, brute force fails likely.

I'm unsure if this should be asked on another exchange, I started here with desire to get the perspective of the structured-mathematician, and the original problem's relation to logic.

Back towards my original problem…

Here's where I've tried Googling and Wikipedia:

Googling of course brings up lots of info. Checking Wikipedia (Truth Table) my eyes get distracted with the amount that I don't understand yet. Ctrl-F'ing failed to match 'related words I could think of.

I did come across the term truth-value. I understand it's related to my answer, but I'm not able to verify it's scope of relationship.


(?)Possibly the study of Ontology would have provided me the skills to solve such a problem?

Example of the epoch question

Say for AND: What would a single line (i.e., False Λ False = False) be called?

  X |  Y
| F | F | = F
| F | T | = F
| T | F | = F
| T | T | = T

Best Answer

Each line in the truth table is generally referred to as an "interpretation." This is what I've seen in lectures and in papers.

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