A simpler proof that every spanning list in $V$ can be reduced to a basis of $V$

linear algebra

In Linear Algebra Done Right, the proof that every spanning list in $V$ can be reduced to a basis of $V$ seems to just be an application of the Linear Dependence Lemma.

I have attached Axler's proof below.

The proof I had in mind was as follows:
If 0 is in the spanning list, then remove it.
If the remaining spanning list is linearly independent, the it is a basis of $V$, so we are done. If the spanning list if linearly dependent, then by the linear dependence lemma we can remove a term from the spanning list without altering the span. By repeating this process, we can very simply reduce a spanning list to a basis. I find this much more intuitive and it uses a result that has already been proved early in the text.

Does this proof work, and if it does, why does Axler chose to use the other proof? Does it display something important that my proof doesn't?

Axlers proof:


Best Answer

I was reading about your proof and I think that it is the same idea. First of all, he's speaking about finite set and so finite dimensional vector space, hence there aren't problem with the finitness of the process. The "differences" are two. One: Axler doesn't worry about remove $0$ from the list but only to remove $v_1$ if it is zero. Because during the rest of the process if there is a zero it will be remove from the list automatically. The second difference is the order of remotion. Your proof is not formal. In other word your proof it's not an algorhitm, you don't say "how to do" but "what to do". I don't know if it's clear. To sum up, Axler's process is a process that must end in a finite number of steps and it concretize your idea.