A set as an algebraic structure


A set is collection of distinct objects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(mathematics).

The word distinct implies the identity relation on each set: an element of a set is equal to itself, or $a = a$
(Does the word 'distinct' in the definition of Set implies an equivalence relation between the objects of the collection?).

Thus, every set by the definition is a relational structure with the identity relation.

The identity relation is a binary relation $(a, a)$ that implies the unary identity operation $f(a) = a$

Thus, every set by the definition is an algebraic structure with the identity operation.

But Wikipedia states that a set is "a degenerate algebraic structure S having no operations"

Which statement is correct?
If a set is an algebraic structure, can we apply algebraic terms in set theory and vice versa?
E.g., can we call equinumerous sets isomorphic?


Based on the discussion:

  1. The concept of an identity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_(philosophy) is more fundamental, then the concept of a set.

  2. Without the concept of identity it is not possible to introduce a set, since if an element $a$ of a set $A$ is not equal to itself than the statements "$a$ is an element of $A$" and "$a$ is not an element of $A$" are true at the same time.

  3. Therefore, no matter how exactly we define a set, it has the identity relation.

  4. The binary identity relation "an element is equal to itself" is the unary identity operation "an element is paired with itself".

  5. Therefore, no matter how exactly we define a set, it is an algebraic structure with the identity operation.

Would it be correct?
And many thanks to all who responded.

Best Answer

I'm going to answer in terms of ZF set theory since that is what most of us need.

In ZF, there is no definition for a set. It is a primitive idea. All you have is the notion set and membership and that gives you equality of sets, and in turn equality of members.

Whether or not two elements of a set are equal is again a matter of set equality. You don't need anything extra to tell you when two elements are equal.

It certainly can't be part of the definition of a set, because an equivalence relation is essentially a special subset of $X\times X$, and if you haven't accepted what a set is yet, you shouldn't be discussing thing like subsets of $X\times X$. You will just be going around in circles.

You can grant $X$ an equivalence relation given by the partition of the set into singletons, so that you get the "identity relation", but it doesn't tell you anything new.

E.g., can we call equinumerous sets isomorphic?

Sure you can. In the category of sets, the isomorphisms are precisely the bijections. There are "isomorphic in the category of sets."

You don't need operations to do this... a category can be made up of non-algebraic objects. That is isomorphism and homomorphism are not algebraic-only concepts.

Thus, every set by the definition is an algebraic structure with the identity operation.

It would be more plausible to say that a set is an algebraic structure with no operations. I don't know if universal algebra accepts this empty case, but they may.

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