Hilbert Spaces – Countable Orthonormal Basis in Separable Hilbert and Banach Spaces


In this conversation, it was proved that an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space H has a countable orthonormal basis iff H is separable (has a countable dense subset).

Is there any analogous statement for Banach spaces,
(with some generalisation of the notion of orthogonality)?

Best Answer

For a Banach space $X$, let $X^*$ denote the dual space (the space of continuous, linear functionals $x^*:X\to \mathbb{K}$, where $\mathbb{K}$ is the scalar field, which is either $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$). Somewhat suggestively, we denote the action of a functional $x^*$ on the vector $x$ as $\langle x,x^*\rangle$, but we note that $\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle$ is not an inner product, since the first argument comes from $X$ and the second comes from $X^*$.

In general Banach spaces, the appropriate notion is the notion of biorthogonality. Let $X$ be a Banach space, $A$ a set, $\alpha:A\to X$, and $\beta:A\to X^*$ functions. We say the collection $(\alpha(a), \beta(a))_{a\in A}\in \prod_{a\in A}X\times X^*$ is biorthogonal if for $a,b\in A$, $$\langle \alpha(a),\beta(b)\rangle = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} 1 & : a=b \\ 0 & : a\neq b.\end{array}\right.$$

Suppose we have a Hilbert space with inner product $(\cdot,\cdot):H\times H\to \mathbb{K}$. By (one version of) the Riesz Representation Theorem, there is a canonical conjugate-linear isometric surjection $\phi:H\to H^*$. Then for any set $A$ and any function $\alpha:A\to H$, we can naturally build $\beta:A\to H^*$ as $\beta(a)=\phi(\alpha(a))$. The collection $(\alpha(a))_{a\in A}$ is orthonormal if and only if $(\alpha(a),\beta(a))_{a\in A}=(\alpha(a),\phi(\alpha(a)))_{a\in A}$ is biorthogonal. It is for this reason that I view biorthogonality as the appropriate generalization of the notion of orthonormality. However, it is no longer the case that biorthogonality has some relation to the norm, whereas orthonormality implies the vectors $\alpha(a)$ each have norm $1$.

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $X^*$ be the dual space (the space of continuous, linear functionals on $X$). A Markushevich basis (or $M$-basis) is a set $A$ together with a pair of functions $\alpha:A\to X$, $\beta:A\to X^*$ such that

  1. $\text{span}\{\alpha(a):a\in A\}$ is dense in $X$,
  2. $(\alpha(a),\beta(a))_{a\in A}$ is biorthogonal, and
  3. $\bigcap_{a\in A}\text{ker}(\alpha(a))=\{0\}$.

Conditions 1,2 yield a biorthogonal system whose first components have dense span in $X$. Condition 3 says that, although the second components need not have dense span in $X^*$, there are still sufficiently many functionals in $\{\beta(a):a\in A\}$ to separate points. We typically use the notation $x_a$ instead of $\alpha(a)$ and $x^*_a$ instead of $\beta(a)$, so the Markushevish basis is denoted $(x_a,x^*_a)_{a\in A}$. We have the following.

A Banach space $X$ admits an $M$-basis $(x_n,x^*_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ iff $X$ is separable.

There is also the notion of a Schauder basis for $X$. A Schauder basis is a sequence $(x_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ such that for each $x\in X$, there exists a unique scalar sequence $(a_n)_{n=1}^\infty$ such that $x=\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_nx_n:=\lim_N\sum_{n=1}^N a_nx_n$. This implies a property called the approximation property (and even stronger properties). Per Enflo gave the first example of a separable Banach space which lacked the approximation property, and therefore does not admit any Schauder basis. So the $M$-basis result above seems to be the full extent to which a general analogue holds.

As a side note, if we're only concerned with the original norm, and not necessarily a norm which comes from an inner product, we can note that for any Banach space $(X, \|\cdot\|)$, there is an inner product $(\cdot,\cdot)$ on $X$ such that, with $|x|=\sqrt{(x,x)}$ the norm induced by the inner product, both $(X, \|\cdot\|)$ and $(X, |\cdot|)$ are complete. However, there need not be any real connection between $\|\cdot\|$ and $|\cdot|$, so the fact that this dot product exists does nothing to address the original question about $(X, \|\cdot\|)$. That's because neither orthogonality nor normality with respect to $(\cdot,\cdot)$ and $|\cdot|$ have any connection to $\|\cdot\|$. It does not induce any interpretation of "orthogonality" with respect to the original norm $\|\cdot\|$, and $\|\cdot\|$-normality need not be connected to $|\cdot|$ normality. In fact, in the infinite dimensional case, you can guarantee that $\{\|x\|/|x|:0\neq x\in X\}=(0,\infty)$.