A semicircle combined with a rectangle with 1:2 ratios for arcs, segments and areas


A semicircle and a rectangle are combined together as shown. AB =2. P is on the semicircle with arc ratio AP:BP = 1:2. Q is on AB with AQ:BQ = 1:2. The extension of PQ intersects DC at E and PE separates the whole combined shape into two parts, with the area ratio $S_{ADEP}:S_{PECB}=$ 1:2. What is DE?

enter image description here

I've been given this question for homework for an online class and I can't seem to solve it. I know the lengths of $AQ$, $BQ$, arc $AP$ and arc $PB$, but I can't reduce the number of variables enough to be able to get an equation using the information about the areas to solve for DE.

Hints would be appreciated so much!

Best Answer

enter image description here

We know from the given that $\angle POQ = 60$, OP = 1, AQ = $\frac 23$, QO = $\frac13$ and the areas [OPQ] = $\frac12$OP$\cdot$OQ$\>\sin60 = \frac{\sqrt3}{12}$,

$$[APQ]= [APO] -[OPQ] =\frac\pi6- \frac{\sqrt3}{12}$$ $$[AQDE]=\frac12\left(\frac23+x\right)y,\>\>\>\>\>\>\>[APBCD]=\frac\pi2+2y$$

Use the given [APDE]=$\frac12$[PECB] to establish the equation below for the unknowns $x$ and $y$,

$$\frac\pi6- \frac{\sqrt3}{12}+\frac12\left(\frac23+x\right)y=\frac13 \left(\frac\pi2+2y\right)$$

Simplify to get


Then, apply the cosine and sine rules for the triangle PQO to obtain $PQ=\frac{\sqrt7}{3}$ and then $\sin\alpha= \frac32\sqrt{\frac37}$. Recognize that $\tan\alpha =3\sqrt3 = \frac{y}{x-\frac23}$ to establish another equation for $x$ and $y$,

$$3\sqrt3 x-2\sqrt3=y\tag{2}$$

Now, solve (1) and (2) to obtain,
