Geometry – Integer Lengths of Right-Angled Triangle with Specific Area


A right-angled triangle has sides of integer length. Its area (in square metres) is twice its
perimeter (in metres). What are the lengths of the sides?

The equations I have made so far is:

Using Pythagoras' Theroem and Area Formula: $$\frac{ab}{4}=a+b+\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$$

Using Heron's formula:

For LHS:$$(\frac{a+b+c}{2})(\frac{a+b+c-2a}{2})(\frac{a+b+c-2b}{2})


Please find the original link for the question here:
Question 4

I believe that even though this question is simple, it is quite tricky and does need some consideration. Additionally, I needed this question's answer while I was preparing for the Year 9-10 UQ/QAMT Paper, as it still holds relevance as it still only is a 2-year old question!

My question is often compared to A right triangle with integer sides has area equal to twice its perimeter. Find sum of all possible circumradii., but I believe the question is different.

Best Answer

I don't think you need Heron's Formula. Parameterize the triangle:

$a=2mn, b=n^2-m^2, c=n^2+m^2$

$A=\frac{ab}{2}$. $ \ \ $ $P=a+b+c.$

$A=mn\cdot (n^2-m^2)$


$A=2P\implies mn(n^2-m^2)=4nm+4n^2$


So $m$ must be a factor of $4$.

$m=1\implies n=5\implies (10, 24, 26)$

$m=2\implies n=4 \implies (16, 12,20)$

$m=4 \implies n=5 \implies (40, 9, 41)$