A result on semisimple left Artinian Rings


We would like to prove the following result.

Theorem. Let $R$ be a semisimple left Artinian ring. Then, every non-zero left ideal $J$ of $R$ can be written as a direct sum of
finitely many minimal ideals.

We can use the following results:

(1) Every non-zero left ideal of an Artinian Ring $R$, contains a minimal left ideal.

(2) If $I$ is a minimal left ideal of $R$, then either $I^2=\{ 0_R \}$ or there exists an idempotent element $e\in R$ such that $I=Re=Ie$.

(3) If $e\in R$ is an idempotent element of $R$, then $R=Re\oplus R(1_R-e)$.

In the proof in my notes, I find the first line confusing. It says that assume that the result fails, ie assume that $J$ is a left ideal, not a direct sum of minimal ideals but any left ideal $J'\subsetneqq J$ is a direct sum of minimal ideals.


  1. Could you please explain why and how do we take this assumption?
  2. Could you please write down clearly the proof using the facts above?

Note that we say that $R$ is semisimple left Artinian, if it is left Artinian with nilradical $N(R)=\{0_R\}$ (where $N(R)$ is defined as the sum of all nilpotent ideals of $R$).

Thank you.

Best Answer


$$\mathcal{F}=\{I\subseteq R|\,I\mbox{ is a left ideal in }R\mbox{ and }I\mbox{ is not a direct sum of minimal left ideals of }R\}$$

Assume that $\mathcal{F}$ is nonempty (if it is empty, then we are done). Since $R$ is left artinian, there exists a minimal (with respect to inclusion) ideal $I\in \mathcal{F}$. Then $I$ is a left ideal and not a direct sum of minimal left ideals of $R$. Note that for every left ideal $J\nsubseteq I$ by minimality of $I$ we deduce that $J$ is a direct sum of minimal left ideals. This justifies the claim from your note.

Next consider $I$. Then there exists minimal left ideal $I_0\subseteq I$. We cannot have $I_0^2 = 0$ because $N(R) =0$. Thus $I_0 = Re$ is generated by an idempotent $e$. Next $R = Re\oplus R(1-e)$ as left $R$-module. We have $$I = I \cap (Re+R(1-e)) = I\cap (I_0 + R(1-e)) = I_0 + I\cap R(1-e)$$ and also $I_0 \cap (I\cap R(1-e)) = Re\cap (I\cap R(1-e)) = 0$. This implies that $$I = I_0\oplus (I\cap R(1-e))$$ as left $R$-modules. Then $J = (I\cap R(1-e))$ is a left ideal properly contained in $I$. Then $J$ is a direct sum of minimal ideals by assumptions. We derive that $I$ is a direct sum of minimal left ideals. This is contradiction. Thus $\mathcal{F}$ is empty.