A relation of the lengths of line segments in a circumscribed star pentagon.


A few days ago I posted a question and timon92 gave a beautiful solution. Using timon92's method, one can easily show that $ER\cdot BS\cdot CD=DE\cdot RS\cdot BC$ (as with the notations in the figure below). I applied this fact five times and derived the following result.

Let $ABCDE$ be a circumscribed pentagon. $BD$ and $CE$ meet at $P$. $AD$ and $CE$ meet at $Q$. $AD$ and $BE$ meet at $R$. $AC$ and $BE$ meet at $S$. $AC$ and $BD$ meet at $T$. Let $p_1$ be the product of the lengths of the five sides of the pentagon $ABCDE$, $p_2$ be the product of the lengths of the five sides of the pentagon $PQRST$ and $p_3$ be the product of the lengths of the tens sides of the star-shaped decagon $ASBTCPDQER$. Then we have $p_1p_2=p_3$.

The product of the lengths of the red line segments is equal to the product of the lengths of the blue line segments.

The product of red line segments equals the product of blue line segments

My questions:

(1) Are there any other proofs of this result?

(2) Are there any similar results for other star polygons?

Best Answer

Let $p$ be a central projection with a center $A$ from the line $AB$ to the circle.

We see that $p(E)=E$, $p(R)=D$, $p(S)=C$ and $p(B)=B$.

We know that a сross-ratio of $E,$ $S$, $R$ and $B$ on the line $EB$ is equal to the cross-ratio of $E$, $C$, $D$ and $B$ on the circle.

Id est, $$\frac{ER}{EB}:\frac{SR}{SB}=\frac{ED}{EB}:\frac{CD}{CB}$$ or $$\frac{ER\cdot SB}{SR}=\frac{ED\cdot BC}{CD}$$ and we are done.

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