A reflection question about a complex function


Let's say we have an entire complex function $f(z)$ such that:

  1. $f(z)$ is real when $z$ is real
  2. $f(z)$ is purely imaginary when $z$ is purely imaginary.

SO basically this entire function maps real/im axis to itself.
The question asks me to show this function is an odd function and I have no clue.

Best Answer

Let $f_1$ be the restriction of $f$ to $\{\Im(z)\ge 0\}$. By Schwarz's reflection, this admits an analytic extension to $\mathbb{C}$ defined in $\Im(z)\le 0$ by $g(z)=\overline{f_1(\bar z)}$. By the identity principle, $g=f$. Since $f$ is purely imaginary on $i\mathbb{R}$, this equation tells us that $f(z)+f(-z)$ is zero on $i\mathbb{R}$. By the identity principle again, $f(z)+f(-z)\equiv 0$, which implies that $f$ is odd.

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