A question on the definition of direct sum of $C^*$ algebras


According to the definition in the Olsen's book,if $A=B\bigoplus C$,the intersection of $B$ and $C$ should be zero.But in other reference books ,when talking about direct sum of matrix algebras,there are many examples such as $\Bbb C\bigoplus\Bbb C$,$M_2(\Bbb C)\oplus M_2(\Bbb C)$,the intersection is not zero.
What are the differences between two definitions?

Best Answer

The same term "direct sum" is used for two different things (that, in the end, are basically the same in spirit).

If you have two subspaces $B,C\subset A$, you say that $A$ is the (internal) direct sum of $B$ and $C$ if $A=B+C$ and $B\cap C=\{0\}$.

If, on the other hand, you have two spaces (not necessarily living in the same environment) you may construct the (external) direct sum $A=B\oplus C=\{(b,c):\ b\in B,\ c\in C\}$. Now $A$ is an internal direct sum $A=(A\oplus 0) + (0\oplus B)$.

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