A question on isomorphism of quotient vector spaces and equality of dimension of kernel and codimension of range

functional-analysislinear algebralinear-transformationsoperator-theoryvector-spaces

This is a question I encountered in my linear algebra and functional analysis class.

Let $ T : U \rightarrow U $ be a linear transformation where the vector spaces are not necessarily finite-dimensional. I know that we have the isomorphism $U/ \ker(T) \cong \text{ran}(T)$ so that if the dimensions of the cokernel and range are finite, one has equality of dimensions. Can I also deduce $\ker(T) \cong U/\text{ran}(T)$? I basically only need equality of dimension of kernel and codimension of range when these are finite.

Can anyone show me how to prove $\dim(\ker(T)) = \text{codim} \; \text{ran}(T)$ when these are finite but $U$ may be infinite-dimensional? I thank all helpers.

Best Answer

This is false in the infinite-dimensional case. For example, take $T_L : \mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}} \to \mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}}$ to be the left shift

$$T_L(a_1, a_2, \dots) = (a_2, a_3, \dots).$$

Then $\dim \text{ker}(T_L) = 1$ but $\text{codim } \text{im}(T_L) = 0$.

In general the left shift and the right shift

$$T_R(a_1, a_2, \dots) = (0, a_1, a_2, \dots)$$

are the first counterexamples you should look at in infinite-dimensional linear algebra. For example the right shift $T_R$ satisfies $\dim \text{ker}(T_R) = 0$ but $\text{codim } \text{im}(T_R) = 1$. It also famously has no eigenvalues (unlike the left shift).