A question based on use of Maximum Modulus principle


This question was asked in comprehensive which I am doing .

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded region and g $\in C(\bar\Omega) \cap H(\Omega)$. Assume that |g| is a non-zero constant on $d\Omega$ . If g is not constant on $\Omega $ then show that g has atleast 1 one zero in $\Omega$ .

Maximum modulus principle can be used and using hypothesis |g| is constant let c on $d\Omega$. So, max g $\leq$ c . But I am not able to proceed from this.

Note: This question has an answer here:Suppose $|f|$ is constant on $\delta D$. Show that $f$ has at least one zero in $D$.

but I couldn't deduce how Question asker wrote that 1/f will not be holomorohic using Maximum principleprinciple and user 622… was last seen 7years ago. So, I don't think I should ask him.

Kindly tell how should I approach this question.

Best Answer

Assume $|g|=c\;\,$on $d\Omega$.

By the maximum modulus principle, we have $|g(z)|\le c$ for all $z\in\overline\Omega$.

Since $g$ is holomorphic and non-constant on $\Omega$, $g(\Omega)$ must contain a nonempty open subset of $\mathbb{C}$.

It follows that $|g|$ is non-constant on $\Omega$, hence if $b$ is the minimum value of $|g|$ on $\overline\Omega$, we must have $b < c$.

Suppose $b > 0$.

Then $g(z)\ne 0$ for all $z\in\Omega$.

Hence by the minimum modulus principle, the minimum value of $|g|$ on $\overline\Omega$ must occur at some $z\in d\Omega$, contrary to $b < c$.

Therefore $b=0$.

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