A question about the proof about strongly inaccessible cardinal


My textbook Introduction to Set Theory by Hrbacek and Jech presents Theorem 3.13 and its corresponding proof as follows:

enter image description here

Since the authors refer to Theorem 2.2, I post it here for reference:

enter image description here

My question concerns Part (b) of Theorem 3.13

Let $\kappa$ be a strongly inaccessible cardinal. If each $X\in S$ has cardinality $< \kappa$ and $|S| < \kappa$, then $\bigcup S$ has cardinality $< \kappa$.


Let $\lambda = |S|$ and $\mu = \sup \{|X| \mid X \in S\}$. Then (by Theorem 2.2(a)) $\mu < \kappa$ because $\kappa$ is regular, and $|\bigcup S| \le \lambda \cdot \mu <\kappa$.

In fact, I can not understand how the authors apply Theorem 2.2(a) to finish the proof. On the other hand, I have figured out another way to accomplish it as follows:

Let $\lambda = |S|$ and $\mu = \sup \{|X| \mid X \in S\}$. We have $\forall X \in S:|X| < \kappa \implies \mu \le \kappa$.

I claim that $\mu < \kappa$. If not, $\mu = \kappa$ and thus $\{|X| \mid X \in S\}$ is cofinal in $\kappa$. It follows that $\operatorname{cf}(\kappa) \le |\{|X| \mid X \in S\}| \le |S|< \kappa$ and thus $\operatorname{cf}(\kappa) < \kappa$. Then $\kappa$ is singular, which contradicts the fact that $\kappa$ is regular.

Hence $\mu < \kappa$. We have $|\bigcup S| \le \lambda \cdot \mu =\max\{\lambda, \mu\} <\kappa$.

Could you please explain how the authors apply Theorem 2.2(a) to finish the proof and verify my approach?

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Your way is just the way they use the theorem, all of $X\in S$ are bounded by $\gamma_X$, if $\sup|X|$ is unbounded, the sequence generated from $\gamma_X$ is unbounded, but the sequence is of length $\lambda<\kappa$, which is contradiction