A question about bracketing in generalized associative law for groups


I have started studying dummit foote, and there is proposition,

If $G$ is a group under the operation $*$ For any $a_1,a_2,…,a_n \in G$ the value of $a_1∗a_2∗…∗a_n$ is independent of how the expression is bracketed(this is called the generalized associative law).

And in the sketch of the proof they have written

Next assume for any $k \lt n$ that any bracketing of a product of $k$ elements $b_1*b_2*\ldots*b_k$ can be reduced(without altering the value of the product) to an expression of the form $$b_1 * (b_2 * (b_3 * (\ldots * b_k)) \ldots )$$

Now I want to understand how it is really bracketing. I want to know what is in the
$(\ldots * b_k)$.For instance if I write full expression,is it like this $$b_1 * (b_2 * (b_3 * (\ldots (b_{k-1} * b_k)) \ldots )$$ . For example for $n=7$ this expression $b_1 * (b_2 * (b_3 * (\ldots * b_k)) \ldots )$ reduced to $b_1*(b_2*(b_3*(…*b_7))…)$ and unbinding this
we have this backing $b_1*(b_2*(b_3*(b_4*(b_5(b_6*b7)))))$. Is it right? Or is it reduced any other form. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

You are right.

I wouldn't try to evaluate parts of it, such as looking at the value of $(\ldots * b_k)$, but instead consider it a string of symbols. There are two repeating patterns, on either side of $b_k$: $$\underbrace{\underbrace{b_1 \, * \, (}\, \underbrace{b_2 \, * \, (} \, \underbrace{b_3 \, * \, (} \ldots \underbrace{b_{k-1} \, * \, (}}_{\text{A pattern of $k-1$ "blocks"}} \, b_k \, \underbrace{)))\ldots)}_{\text{$k - 1$ times}}$$ Note, in my formulation, I included some extra superfluous parentheses around $b_k$, just to emphasise the pattern. But, other than these extra parentheses, I am saying the same thing as Dummitt and Foote.

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