A question about Atoms in Measure Theory


By definition of an atom "For a measure space $(X,M,\mu)$, a set $A\in M$ is called an atom for $\mu$ if $\mu(A)>0$ and for any $B\in M$ with $B\subset A$ one has either $\mu(B) = 0$ or $\mu(B) = \mu(A)$."

Here's the question "$a = \inf\{\mu(E): E\in M \text{ with }\mu(E) > 0\}$ and $a$ is strictly positive. Show that there exist an atom $A\in M$ for $\mu$ such that $\mu(A)>0$ and for any $B\in M$ with $B \subset A$ one has either $\mu(B) = 0$ or $\mu(B) = \mu(A)$."

Need help on how to do this problem. Hint: if $E\in M$ is not an atom but has $\mu(E)>0$, show that there exist $F \subset E$ one has either $\mu(F) = 0$ or $\mu(F) = 0.5 \mu(E)$.

I'm able to prove this for a special case of $X$ with $\mu$ as Lebesgue Stieltjes measure associated to the increasing and right continuous function F but not with the given condition.

Sorry for some notational errors. I'm new to SE and still learning. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If $\mu (A) =0$ or $\infty$ for all $A$ then the result is trivial. If that is not the case then we can restrict our attention to a set $A$ with $0 <\mu (A) <\infty$, so we may assume that $\mu$ is a finite measure.

Observe that there is no set $E$ with $0 <\mu (E) <a$. (1)

Suppose there is no atom. Then there exists $A_1\subseteq A$ such that $0<\mu(A_1)<\mu(A)$. By induction there exists a seqeunce $(A_n)$ such that $A_{n+1}\subseteq A_n$ and $0<\mu(A_{n+1})<\mu(A_n)$. Now $(A_n\setminus A_{n+1})$ is a disjoint sequence so $\sum \mu (A_n\setminus A_{n+1})\leq \mu (A)<\infty$. But then $\mu (A_n\setminus A_{n+1}) \to 0$ as $ n \to \infty$. But (1) shows that $\mu (A_n\setminus A_{n+1})$ must be $0$ for $n$ sufficiently large. Since $A_{n+1}\subseteq A_n$ this gives $\mu (A_{n+1})=\mu (A_n)$ contrary to our construction of $(A_n)$.

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