A problem about semi-direct product which is a direct product


I have been stuck on this problem for a while now. I tried to look up similar problems with possible hints but couldn't find anything. The problems is as follows:

Let $N\rtimes_\theta H$ be the semi-direct product of a group $N$ by a group $H$ with respect to the action $\theta$, which can be defined by $\theta_h(n)=\varphi(h)n\varphi(h^{-1}),~h\in H,n\in N$, where $\varphi:H\to N$ is a group homomorphism. Then the semi-direct product $N\rtimes_\theta H$ is isomorphic to the direct product $N\times H$.

I do not see how to produce such an isomorphism. Any hints and/or suggestions are appreciated.

Best Answer

Consider $N\rtimes_\varphi H\to N\times H$, $(n,h)\mapsto (n\varphi(h),h)$.