A periodic layout for the Petersen graph

artgraph theoryplanar-graphs

The Petersen graph is a well-known graph with genus $1$, which means it can be drawn without crossings on a torus. Here is one possible embedding of this type. Topologically, we can think of a torus as a square with opposite sides identified. So every time we draw something on a torus, we can tile the plane with that drawing, and get a periodic picture in the plane.

The Petersen graph has $10$ vertices, and there is a simple $\sqrt{10} \times \sqrt{10}$ square that can tile an infinite grid, as shown in the diagram below:

diagram of square lattice with a repeating square of area 10

My question. Is there a nice periodic embedding of the Petersen graph that puts its $10$ vertices down at the points labeled $0$ through $9$ in the diagram above, and connects every point by an edge to some instance of its three neighbors?

The meaning of "nice" is complicated; there are a bunch of mathematical considerations that I am prepared to trade off for an aesthetically pleasing result.

  • We should definitely be able to draw this in such a way that none of the edges cross. That's what it means for the Petersen graph to have genus $1$.
  • It would be nice for all the edges to be straight line segments. (This is definitely possible for some embeddings; it may no longer be possible when we put the vertices at these specific points in the grid, but it probably is.)
  • It would also be nice to have some kind of symmetry or hint of symmetry – for example, different vertices of the embedding having similarly drawn edges out of them, or different faces of the embedding being congruent, aside from what is required by the periodicity.

To illustrate the question a bit more, here is a "near miss". It is a straight-line embedding, and has $180^\circ$ symmetry (almost $90^\circ$ symmetry, in fact) about every point labeled $0$ or $5$, but it is not quite an embedding of the Petersen graph. To be the Petersen graph, it would need an edge between $0$ and $5$.

Best Answer

Here is a non-crossing embedding using only straight line segments of length $1$ and $\sqrt{2}$:

enter image description here

(One nice way to see that this embedding is of a Petersen graph is to note the relatively clean $0-4-3-7-6-0$ and $9-2-5-8-1-9$ cycles, then observe that points on one of the cycles connect to alternating points in the opposite cycle, which easily bijects with this standard view of the Petersen graph.)

It is not very nice, but there are good reasons to think that no solutions with a nontrivial symmetry exist.

The problem is that any reflectional symmetry that does not agree with the existing red grid will, when combined with the tiling across the torus, produce several symmetry constraints that must be obeyed simultaneously, which seems likely to be very difficult. (For instance, being reflectionally symmetric about any one vertical line implies doing so across all vertical lines.)

180-degree rotational symmetries can fare better in this respect, but they cannot be centered around a point without forcing that point to have even degree. I don't see immediate obstructions to central symmetry about an edge or a face of one of the small squares, but running a SAT solver on those constraints with all edges of length at most $5$ didn't turn up any solutions (at least, if my code works properly).

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