A parallel line through the incenter of a triangle

circleseuclidean-geometrygeometryproblem solvingtriangles

The circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$ is $k(O;R).$ Through the incenter of the triangle is drawn a line $p$ parallel to $AC$ that intersects the circle $k$ at $M$ and $N.$ The side $AB=30$ divides the chord $MN$ into two segments with lengths $8$ and $25.$ Find the sides of $\triangle ABC.$

$27$ $cm$ and $28.5$ $cm$

enter image description here
By the intersecting chord theorem, we have $AP\cdot PB=MP\cdot PN.$ Let $AP=x.$ Therefore, $x(30-x)=200 \iff x_{1,2}=10,20.$ So what from here? How to approach the problem further? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer


To solve this problem we need to draw two auxiliary lines, i.e. the angle bisectors of $\measuredangle A$ and $\measuredangle C$ as shown in the diagram. Both these lines passes through the incenter $I$ of the triangle $ABC$. By the way, $Q$ is the intersection point of side $BC$ and line $MN$, which is parallel to the side $CA$. Consequently, we can state that the two triangles $API$ and $CIQ$ are isosceles triangles.

It is given $AB=30$, $MP=8$, and $PN=25$. Let $AP=x$, $CA=3y$, and $CQ=z$.

You have already found one of the equations we need to solve the problem, i.e. $$30x-x^2=200 \tag{1}$$ Equation (1) has two roots, i.e. $x=10$ and $x=20$. First, we take the former and check whether it leads us to a solution. So, from now on, we have $AP=x=10$, which makes $PB=20$. As consequence, we have $AP:PB=1:2$. Since $PQ$ is parallel to $CA$, $CQ:QB=1:2$ as well.

Since $API$ is an isosceles triangle, we have $IP=AP=10$. In a similar vein, since $CIQ$ is an isosceles triangle, we can deduce $IQ=CQ=z$. Since the two lines $AC$ and $PQ$ are parallel to each other and $AP:PB=1:2$, we can write $PQ=2y$. Therefore, we are able to form the following equation. $$PQ=PI+IQ \qquad\rightarrow\qquad 2y=10+z \tag{2}$$

Now, intersecting chord theorem can be used to obtain the following equation. $$MQ\cdot QN=\left(MP+PQ\right)\left(PN-PQ\right)=CQ\cdot QB \quad\rightarrow\quad \left(8+2y\right)\left(25-2y\right)=z\cdot 2z $$ $$200+34y-4y^2=2z^2 \tag{3}$$

When we substitute the value of $z$ from the equation (2) in equation (3), we get, $$200+34y-4y^2=2\left(2y-10\right)^2=8y^2+200-80y \qquad\rightarrow\qquad 12y^2-114y=0 \tag{4}$$ Equation (4) has two roots, i.e. $y=0$ and $y=9.5$, where the latter is the only acceptable solution. When we insert this value of $y$ into the equation (2), we get $z=9$.

Therefore, the the length of the two sides $CA$ and $BC$ can be written as $$CA=3y=3\times 9.5=28.5\quad \mathrm{and}$$ $$BC=3z=3\times 9=27.$$

Now, it is up to you to work out the case where $x=20$.