A lower bound for the complex logarithm

complex numberscomplex-analysislogarithms

Let Log$(z)$ denote the principal branch of the logarithm for a complex number $z$ which is not real $\leq 0$. In various textbooks on complex analysis, I found an inequality which states
$$\frac{1}{2}|z-1| \leq |\text{Log}(z)|$$
for all $z$ with $|z-1| \leq 1/2$. The inequality is given without proofs and I have absolutely no idea how to prove this. Any hints?

Background: The inequality is given in the context of infinite products $\prod_n z_n$ and used to show the implication
$$\sum_n \text{Log}(z_n)\text{ converges absolutely}\phantom{aaa}\Longrightarrow\phantom{aaa} \sum_n z_n-1\text{ converges absolutely}$$
where all complex numbers $z_n$ are as above (i.e. not real $\leq 0$).

Best Answer

One can estimate the Taylor series $$ \operatorname{Log}(1+w) = w - \frac 12 w^2 + \frac 13 w^3 - \frac 14 w^4 + \cdots $$ which converges for $|w| < 1$.

For $|w| \le \frac 12$ is $$ \begin{align} | \operatorname{Log}(1+w)| &\ge |w| - \frac 12 |w|^2 - \frac 13 |w|^3 - \frac 14 |w|^4 - \cdots \\ &\ge |w| - \frac 12 |w| \cdot \underbrace{\left( |w| + |w^2|+ |w|^3 + \cdots\right)}_{\le 1} \\ &\ge |w| - \frac 12 |w| = \frac 12 |w| \, . \end{align} $$

Remark: An upper bound can be obtained in the same way, so that $$ \frac 12 |w| \le \operatorname{Log}(1+w)| \le \frac 32 |w| $$ for $|w| \le \frac 12$.