A good argument for rejecting the axiom of choice


I have only recently learned set theory as a side hobby (I'm a mathematical physics undergraduate), and I have heard various Profs and friends that are math graduates just ridicule or dismiss the idea of rejecting the axiom of choice. I don't know enough to formulate a good argument for rejecting the axiom of choice (or don't even know if a good argument for rejecting it exists). What is a good one for rejecting it? And if you would like to rebuttal it too that would be helpful.

Best Answer

One good argument could be that if you want to ensure that every set of reals is Borel. This can happen if the real numbers are a countable union of countable sets. So that means that you're too tired of those proofs that a countable union of countable sets is countable.

Okay, so you're willing to take Dependent Choice and countable choice on the chin. That's fine. Then not all sets of reals are Borel. But a good argument would be that you want all sets of reals to be Lebesgue measurable. That's it. No more pesky Banach–Tarski. You cannot partition the unit ball in weird ways. Except that you can partition the unit ball into strictly more non-empty sets than points.

I mean, really, there's no good argument for rejecting the axiom of choice. There are several ad hoc arguments that might be of interest.

  1. All sets of reals are Lebesgue measurable, or at least with the Baire Property. In that scenario all linear operators between a completely metrizable group and a normed group are continuous. This means that all linear operators between Banach spaces are continuous, which admittedly can be pretty nice.

    Cost: No Hahn–Banach, no Banach–Alaoglu, no ultrafilters, no compactness/completeness theorem for first-order logic.

  2. If you want to go deeper into the rabbit hole as far as set theoretic ideas go, you need to reject the Axiom of Choice in order to take into your heart the Axiom of Determinacy. Even then, though, most people would argue that we really study inner models where it holds and $\sf AC$ holds in the full universe.

    You can, however, decide to study very large cardinals. Reinhardt and Berkeley cardinals, and their relatives. With those you really have to reject $\sf AC$ pretty much wholesale. But do they have consequences "downstairs" at the working mathematician's level of the set theoretic universe? Not as much. Not directly. Not things we cannot prove with far weaker (and choice-compatible) axioms instead.

All reasons to reject choice are really reasons to reject infinite sets and the law of excluded middle. And they are not good reasons for that either.

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